Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feb 13 - 19, 2011

So, after being on the road for 8 weeks, this week finds me in the heart of Virginia, encountering the greatest elevation change of the tour so far. Between Afton, the town I begin the week in, to Vesuvius, near the end of the week's walk has a more than 2,000 ft elevation change. A good part of the trail follows the blue Ridge Parkway which meanders through the Blue Ridge Mountains.

Here's some photos from Google Earth that show the beautiful Blue Ridge Parkway:
2-13's walk (bright green color on map above):

2-14's walk (yellow green):
Part of this day is covered on horseback, I rode for an hour.

2-15's walk (dark blue):
While these mountains are not as rugged as the Rockies, they sure are beautiful!

2-16's walk (purple):
Dense trees and cuts into the hills line the roadway.

2-17's walk (gray blue):

This is called 20 minute cliff because 20 minutes after daylight strikes the cliff dusk falls.

Feb 18th's walk (pink):
So I'm cruising along on the aerial and I notice this interesting looking pattern along the road.  Know what it is?  A tree farm.  And amazingly enough someone had taken pictures of it.  The next picture is of the same farm.

Today I had 13.2 miles on the pedometer!  I spent 2.5 hours on horseback.

2-19's walk (blue green):

Another interesting pattern on the aerial.  Any idea what it is?  Again someone had taken a picture -

It's a church with a graveyard in the back - the dots on the aerial are tombstones!

Today's mileage also had 2 hours on horseback.  My meanderings took me through the town of Vesuvius and  just a little off the track is a store I couldn't resist sharing:

I just love these small town stores - they have such character!

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